What makes Bhutan so Special

King Jigme Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema in National Dress

How is Bhutan different to other countries, is this a good or bad thing?

Bhutan is so different in a good way one which makes it one in a million Bhutan. Which also makes Bhutan very very special.

Bhutan is the only country in the world to have compulsory national dress.

The happiness Measurement
Bhutan is the only country to measure prosperity by Gross National Happiness and not Gross Domestic product. This means it takes into consideration its peoples levels of happiness when measuring the countries success.

Is Bhutan carbon neuteal?
Yes, Bhutan is carbon neutral. It is also negative carbon which makes it one of the a few countries in the world to have negative carbon emissions!!

It has no traffic lights!

It has no Mcdonalds!!!!

Bhutan restricts the number of tourists each year – when my Mum lived there it was limited to 2000 visitors a year and now its 8000 a year which is still not a lot compared with other countries.

The land forms the flag