
Bhutan is a small country around about the size of the South Island of New Zealand. In miles that is 18,000 square miles. The population is 1,200,000. The capital of Bhutan is Thimphu. The spoken language are Dzongkha, Nepali and English. Since Bhutan is basically on the other side of the world it has  different seasons. The seasons are December to February is winter, March to May is Spring, June to August is Summer, September to November is Autumn and the tourist season runs from March to November.

My Grandad lived and worked in Bhutan. Grandad work for National Airline Druk Air or Royal Bhutan Airlines for 4 years. His job was to write and implement safety standards for the Airline and its Aeroplanes. At the time they had only one plane and before he was employed there the track record for safety was very very poor. Nanny and Grandad lived in Paro which is the town by the airport. Which meant that Grandad walked to work.

Punakha Dzong, at the confluence of two rivers, was the venue of the Fifth King of Bhutans Royal Wedding.

Nanny ended up also being employed by the Airline as the Catering Manager. The reasoning of this was because prior to her working there the airline had poor hygiene standards and on many flights the airline had problems with food poisoning!!!

My mum lived there also for 1 year when she was 16 years old whilst she did correspondence school from New Zealand. My mum tells me it was the most amazing country and experience of her life.

This is a photo of Grandad (white haired man in the middle) and Nanny (black haired lady in white trousers at front) with some of their work mates at the Airport.